In accordance with the Comprehensive Plan of education at the Kazaly Transport and Technical Higher College, within the framework of the project "Significant persons, significant dates", the librarian of the college S. Sugurova held an educational hour under the theme "Tolagai akyn, tolastamas zhyr iesi-A.Tazhibayev", dedicated to the 115th anniversary of A. Tazhibayev. The purpose of the event is to familiarize with the works, poems of the poet, written on the theme of respect for the land, love for the people, the native language, about the Motherland; to educate readers with national honor, courage and to introduce young people and educate our generation in the national spirit. The event was attended by active members of the Sanaly Urpak club and Deputy director for educational work Kuzembayeva G. read poems by Abdilda Tazhibayev, and conducted an overview of the poet's work. Young poets read dedication poems and watched a video about A. Tazhibayev. In addition, an exhibition of a special type of poet was created on the stage. It displayed photographs used by the poet himself, and letters that readers are still not familiar with.

18 April 2024 1