In accordance with the comprehensive plan of the educational part at Kazaly Transport and Technical Higher College, within the framework of the project "Significant persons, significant dates", the librarian of the college S. Sugurova held an intra-college competition of readers "Saken-zhyrdyn sarkylmas dariyasy" dedicated to the 130th anniversary of S. Seifullin. The purpose of the event is to show students the vitality of the works of the poet S. Seifullin, cultivate respect for his name, and improve the creative abilities of readers. There was a book exhibition of the writer's works intertwined with the interests of the nation, dedicated to the spirit of freedom and the immortal values of civilization. According to the results of the competition, N. Zhakypbai took the first place, N. Sagyndyk the second place, and A. Babak and S. Barmakbai the third place. We wish the winning students creative success!

09 February 2024 11