A literary event "KAZAKTYN DANKTY TULGASY-MAGZHAN" was held in the library of the Kazaly Transport and Technical Higher College, dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the birth of M. Zhumabayev, a figure of the Alash movement, a poet not only of Kazakh literature but also of the Turkic people. To the young readers gathered at the event, the librarian of the college S. Sugurova reviewed the biography and creativity of the poet and also presented to the students the documentary film of Kalila Umarov "Magzhan", which in 1990 was filmed with the participation of Magzhan's associates. During the event, our active young readers expressively read and discussed the poet's poems "Men zhastarga senemin", "Olen", "Tugan Zher", "Ana", ended with a review of the book exhibition "Zhas kalamger".

31 October 2023 0