In the Kazaly Transport and Technical Higher College on the Day of the Languages of the People of Kazakhstan, the opening of a decade entitled "Tugan tilim-uly dala urany!" was organized by the languages section of the college. The director of the college, Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan B. Akhmetov made a welcoming speech. Students read poems in three languages and presented prepared stands about the history and language of the Kazakh people. Stands called "Kazakhandary", "Kazakbatyrlary", and "Ushbi" presented by the English teacher L. Shynybayeva, stands "Ushalyp", "Alashordashylar", "Bes Arys", "Ush Bayterek" - by the teacher of the Kazakh language and literature G. Zhaldybayeva, stands "Til men technology" - by the head of the section, English teacher A. Ersaiyn presented an example of the difficult fate of people who brought the light of knowledge to the Kazakh steppes, defended their country, native land. We invite students and teachers of the college to take an active part in the decade of languages.

04 September 2023 0