On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the veteran teacher Moldabay Akniyazov, an honored employee of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a competition of intra-college research projects was held in the library of Kazaly Higher Transport and Technical College on the theme "ТАЛҒАМЫ ТЕРЕҢ, ТАҒЫЛЫМЫ КЕНЕН АҒА ҰСТАЗ".

The purpose of the scientific project is to exemplify the life and career path of a veteran teacher, to glorify the profession of a railway engineer, to instill morals and hard work, to interest students in research and educational work, to increase the reputation of intellectual work, to support talented and talented young researchers.

During the study of the teacher's life, whose life is full of morals and examples, the works that participated in the competition will be awarded at the final festive evening for their individuality, creative search, full disclosure of the research, and in-depth discussion of the issues.

The student of B-22/9 group Zhaksylyk Akbota (tutor: Alipbaeva F.) participated in the competition with the theme «Үлкендер жолы -ұлылық,  ұрпағы жүрер ұғынып», Rashid Asel, a student of the СОБ-22/9 group with the theme «Ардагер ұстазды ұлықтайық» (tutor: Alibekova L.), student of group B-22/9 Aitbay Ulzhan (tutor: Utembetova N.) with the theme «Өнегелі әке, үлгілі ұстаз» ,

Kalbergen Bakytgul, a student of ATБ-22/11-2 group (tutor: Tazhimurat B.) with the theme «Өмірі нұрлы-өнегелі зейнеткер», Turganbay Nurgul, a student ofСОБ -22/9 group (tutor: Alibekova L.) with the theme «Ұлылықтың басында ұстаз тұрар» and young researchers, such as Zhanbolatuly Shakarim (tutor Zhaldybayeva G.), a student of EZHS-22/9 group, took part with the theme «Ұсталықтан-Ұстаздыққа»

21 April 2023 3