An event in memory of the excellent worker of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, veteran teacher Balgarash Tazhenov was held at the Kazaly Transport and Technical Higher College.

The event was attended by the chairman of the Kazaly District Council of Veterans O.D.Bekpanov, a veteran teacher K.Beketov, Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan A.B.Tazhenova, pensioner A.Bulebaeva, descendants of Tazhenov and college staff.

During the event, O.Bekpanov, a veteran, and A.Akhmetova, acting director of the Kazaly Transport and Technical HigherCollege, spoke about the life and work of the teacher who led the college from 1985-1990 and noted that the event was organized on the initiative of the head of the college, B.A.Akhmetov.

Six projects were submitted to the competition among students dedicated to the memory of the veteran teacher B.Tazhenov:

1. "Bilim men tarbienin zharshysy-B.Tajenov", a participant in the project, N.Zhakypbai, first-year student  of the VTE-23/9 group, / head L.Shynybayeva-a foreign language teacher/

2. . "Tarikh tereninen bastau algan orda", participant of the project, R.Temirkhan, second year student  of the LZHS-22/9 group, / head G. Kuzembayeva-teacher of the Kazakh language and literature/

3. "Otken kunder belesi: kasibi bilim, isker bashi", a participant in the project

, a first-year student of the VTE-23/9 group N.Sagyndyk,

/ head G.Kuzembayeva-teacher of the Kazakh language and literature/

4. "Ulkender zholy-ulylyk, urpagy zhurer ugynyp!", participant of the project, 1st year student of the group of PLHS23/9 Zhandarbek Alim,/ head L.Alibekova - teacher of Russian language and literature/5. "Akhtar auletinin khanshaimy"

Project participant - first-year student of the group -VTE-23/9 Zholbarys Dinara,

/ head N.Utembetova -teacher of Russian language and literature/

6. "Kaldyrgan izin mangilik...", participant of the project, A.Dosan, first-year student of group B-23/9, / head A.Ersayyn-teacher of a foreign language/

By the decision of the jury, the prizes were determined :

The first place was taken by a student of the first year of group B-23/9 A.Dosan;

II place: first-year student of the VTE group-23/9 D.Zholbarys and a student of the LVS group-23/9

A.Zhandarbek ;

III place: first-year students of the VTE group-23/9 N.Zhakypbai, N.Sagyndyk, and a second-year student of the EZHS group-22/9 R.Temirkhan. The winners were awarded diplomas by the director of the college B. Akhmetov and valuable gifts on behalf of the family of B. Tazhenov.

In addition, in our college hosted the regional competition "Togyzkumalak" among teachers and students of technical and vocational education organizations, dedicated to the memory of veteran teacher Balgarash Tazhenov, in which the following teams took part:

1, Tekey Batyr Karpykuly Higher College

2. Shieli Industrial and Agricultural College

3. Syrdarya Agricultural and Technical College

4. Aral Industrial and Technical College

5, Kazaly Agricultural and Technical College

6. Kazaly Transport and Technical Higher College

7. Kazaly College of Humanities and Technology

8. Baikonur Higher College named after academician S.A. Dzhienkulov

9. Aral Multidisciplinary College

In competitions, there was a judge of the national class of the Republic of Kazakhstan in togyzkumalak  Y.Sabit.

According to the results of the competition, the first place was awarded to the Syrdarya Agricultural and Technical College;

II place to the Kazaly Transport and Technical Higher College ;

The III place was taken by Kazaly agrarian Technical College and the higher college named after Tekei batyr Karpikuly.

The winners of the competition were awarded with cash prizes and with diplomas.

23 February 2024 14