In Kazaly Transport and Technical Higher College, "A girl looks beautiful with manners...!" a seminar training was held to prevent bad situations and strange behavior, increasing their zest for life, and explaining the extent of suicide, violence, early pregnancy among girls, and how harmful it is to health. 

The seminar was attended by girls of grades 9-11 of secondary schools #165, #204, #276 and students of Kazaly  Transport and Technical Higher College and Kazaly Humanitarian Technical College. The deputy director opened the mentioned event for educational affairs G. Kuzembayeva, who spoke about the importance of education given to girls, the education of girls in society, and the physical and personal hygiene of girls.

The guests of the evening were R. Asanova,  chairwoman of the Kazaly district women's council, a member of the commission on women's affairs and family-demographic policy under the akim of the region,  labor veteran G. Tuyakbaeva and deputy of the Kazaly district maslikhat, chairwoman of the Kazaly district mothers' council Sh. Askarova, senior inspector of Kazaly APB, JPKb, UPT, police major M. Begalieva and A. Aliyeva, doctor of Kazaly District Youth Health Department, and B. Aitbaeva, chairwoman of the intra-college parent committee gave informative information about the fate of school-age girls, and as the girl's confidant is the mother, she should not hide anything from the mother and emphasized that it is necessary.

 In addition, she ordered girls not to leave the house in the evening, not to sit on various social networks on the Internet, gave advice, held a large-scale conversation about the consequences of early pregnancy, harm to health, and danger to life among girls, and did explanatory work on personal hygiene and cleanliness of girls. In order to strengthen the prevention of misbehavior among girls, and to focus public attention on girls' education, there was an exchange of opinions in a free format, Zh.Bisenova, teacher-psychologist of school #204, head of the intra-school "Zhantanu" psychological club, conducted training with students.

16 May 2023 2