On the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the birth of the great person Karauly Temirbek Zhurgenov, in order to fully glorify his creative heritage, to understand the duty of the younger generation to the older generation, to model his living legacy, artistic struggle, and educational activity to the younger generation "Temirbek Zhurgenov-Kazakh bright star of spirituality" a book exhibition was organized in the library of Kazaly Higher Transport and Technical College.

"History. Fate. Person". opened with a clip from an educational documentary.

Temirbek Zhurgenov is a figure who has supported the spiritual culture and education of our people in different times and political conditions. He is a great person whose name is remembered by the nation for his fighting and creative works.

  The exhibition included the article published in the "Legend of Man" magazine, A. Tazhibaev's "Exceptional businessman and courageous People's Commissar",  D. Jurgenova's memoirs, essays, pictures, and methodological tools. Also, E. Zangirov's "Spirit of the Nation" and B. Imangaliev's "Temirbek Zhurgenov" books were reviewed.

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